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The IBA ABC Toolkit will support the strategic implementation of the Intelligent Business Agility.

The first tool in the ABA toolkit is the IBA A-Matrix (Assessment Matrix), which is a matrix that leads us to reflect on the essential aspects that underlie an Intelligent Business Agility development action:

  • How does the relationship with the market change?
  • What are the needs to be satisfied?
  • How does the network of internal relationships evolve?
  • What assets are needed?

iba amatrix

 IBA A-Matrix

Every organization, and therefore every leader, must see things through the lens of efficiency and effectiveness, concepts often taken for granted and familiar, but, in many occasions, are abused and misinterpreted. The primary objective of the IBA, in relation to this, is to balance them, because efficiency alone leads to a strengthening of the status quo, while unbalancing towards effectiveness, which pushes innovation, risks making it unsustainable company action (at least in the medium term) due to continuous changes and high costs.

In particular, it is possible to observe how the People and the Value are at the center of the analysis, guided both by the external perspective, which normally unbalances towards effectiveness, and by the internal one, which brings efficiency.

Thinking in terms of expected benefits we meet the second tool, the IBA B-Matrix (Benefits Matrix).

iba bmatrixIBA B-Matrix

The B-Matrix  allows you to focus on the four fundamental benefits of the IBA, highlighting (in the "corners") the fundamental importance of developing a Smart Leadership, essential for guiding companies in the new digital context, and the ability to combine Effectiveness and Efficiency to make its action sustainable.

Specifically, smart leadership is a skill that every modern leader must develop, planning the ongoing transformation process, developing new skills within the company, promoting an organizational culture that makes the best use of intelligence artificial. It's essential to identifying which activities will be carried out by humans and which by intelligent digital agents, attributing to artificial intelligence the role of co-pilot and to human intelligence that of "pilots" of the ongoing revolution.

The third tool of the ABC toolkit is the IBA C-Matrix (Canvas Matrix), designed to explore the 4 dimensions of Intelligent Business Agility, strategically evaluating its maturity in relation to Business Agility and the level of integration with the Artificial intelligence.

iba cmatrix

 IBA C-Matrix


Without human intelligence, there is no utility or purpose for artificial intelligence